Monday, June 21, 2010

Venti Soy Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Three weeks into school in the middle of a merger or "joint venture" at work and I am beginning to think that I have lost my mind.

I have started classes at the NIC again hoping to finish my education and everyone that is close to me is supportive, but secretly thinks that I am nuts. I seem to have that Superwoman complex thinking that I can be a full time mom, full time maid, full time nurse and part time student. I can do it, I am amazing. Oh yeah, and did I fail to mention that I am training for a triathalon as well? Pass the Zoloft.

I day in the life of Ashley is like no other. Good thing Andy doesn't care that I don't wear make up. Cause mine is fossilized by now. I wake up at 5:30, shower, pump (yes, I am STILL breastfeeding my 14 month old for those of you that aren't that close to me), grab a Clif bar and head to class or work. They are both at the same time on different days. I leave my venue after flying through the Starbucks drive thru once, twice or thrice and head to pick up some children that may or may not belong to me. I usually grab the best behaved ones at ABCD. ((KIDDING))

At home it is din din, cleaning, homework, showers, jammies and bed for the loud ones, I go on a run at this time. After my run I somehow make it to my bed, and then repeat the process again the next day.

I am asking for lots of prayers in this crazy time of my life. I need them. If I don't make it through, promise you will visit me in the nut house and bring me a Venti Soy Cinnamon Dolce Latte.